Pegasus bridge – Tank restored

This Centaur tank is

the ownership of Aspeg  for over 40 years

Musée Pegasus Bridge – Char Centaur, propriété de l’Aspeg

A lobby use the entire heritage of Aspeg and  the ownership of others, to abuse of the notoriety of the actors of the 6th of June 1944, founders and donators to Aspeg  « Musée de Pegasus Bridge  » and to make to them  all sorts of   ‘lows blows ‘………… .

This Centaur tank cannot be inaugurated  after General Gale has done it on 12 June 1977 .

The lobby makes the  public beleave it is the Museum of General Gale like before ,  in order to get collections….which is a lie ,  as it goes to its own profit . General Gale knews it and always wrote about the role of this lobby:  » NO INITIATIVE ».

regardless to all the proofs, it seems to be not enough!

Françoise Gondrée